Matan Levkowich is a dancer, choreographer and graphic
designer. Movement Lab represents all his artistic
engagements in the field of dance and performance. Matan´s
approach to movement is based on the study of the body´s
intuition. The study of intuition enables to navigate through
instability and develops trust in the body´s capacities. His
choreographic works inspired by social phenomena and
human behaviour. From his base in Vienna, Austria, he tours
around Europe, presenting his choreographic work,
performing and leading workshops.
Read Artistic Statement
He danced in works of David Zambrano(VE), Martin
Nachbar(GR), Alessandro Sciarroni (IT), Marco Torrice(IT),
and others. His choreographic works have been presented in
various dance festivals, cultural events, art galleries and
museums. He has been touring in several countries in
Europe and around such as: Austria, Germany, Sweden,
Norway, Switzerland, England, Slovakia and Israel.
As a teacher, Matan's focus lays in movement research. He
started giving regular classes in Israel in 2008. Since then, he
had the chance to teach in different circumstances and to
different audiences; from professional dancers to amateurs
and teenagers, in open workshops, festivals and closed
intimate groups. Mata's;s teaching is influenced by many
teachers and he took great inspiration from working with
Frey Faust(US), Bruno Caverna (BR), Itay Yatuv(IL) and
Martin Nachbar(GR).
Animal instinct (AI) is an ongoing movement research. The core of this practice is to gain
freedom in motion. By moving away from any ideology, style, form or aesthetic, we can
reexamine our physical abilities with fresh eyes. The work refers to information from various
movement disciplines (biomechanics, martial arts, somatic practices, contemporary dance & C.I)
and offers a wide spectrum of tools to study our body, to understand movement and
communicate physically.
AI can be divided into three layers. Each layer is an independent universe that can exist solely
but designed to support, develop & complete the other layers. Together they represent what I
define as movement liberation.
The foundation layer. The work consists a variety of movement tasks/exercises to understand
the body as an individual entity. By working with the solo body, we can differentiate, dissect and
map the body properties, limitations and potentials. The work aims to establish tools for self-
discipline and self-exploration of the body.
In this layer the exploration focus is on the universe of physical communication with another
person. When working with a partner, we can transform the motivation for movement to a
reaction based practice. We are not alone anymore. We are being affected by external
forces/intentions and we can clarify our desires and motivations. This layer helps to experience
evolution through dependency on another being.
The last layer introduces group constellations. The exponential increase of the ever-changing
variables, confronts the individual to adept and change constantly, evolving into a state where
the speed of our thoughts is equalized with our body reactions. In this frame, one can examine
himself/herself through a wider lens. We are social beings and we need to develop skills to exist
within a group.
When combined together to a body of work, we can take our heads 'out of the water’ and merge
into a wider context: We are living in a demobilized society where movement is being perceived
as luxury/hobby and the body is being appreciated merely on its aesthetic properties. By diving
into the world of movement, we can start perceiving ourselves as movement ambassadors, as a
reference point to 'body inhabitants’. It grows into a responsibility, a missionary quest, to bring
back our natural heritage to be in movement, to become motion.