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The Association Ara en Moviment was born in 2016, although it has been growing for years in the personal journey of its members.  

Their desire, create, share and promote spaces related to art, research and movement as the main source of inspiration.

Ara en Moviment is an association focused on projects based on pedagogy and education mainly through the Arts of Movement and Somatic Practices. The objectives of our statutes are:    

- Offer spaces for training, research and artistic exchange.


- Disseminate, nurture and promote Contact Improvisation as a practice and language.


- Explore the relation between Performing Arts, Contemporary Dance and Contact Improvisation.


- Promote international- cultural exchange and enhance local activity.


- Bring the work of creation closer and share it as a way of life; for political-social-cultural reflection.  

- Give visibility to women and generate an equality space.



Our activity started with the Barcelona New Year Dance Festival, which was a success, promoting the continuation of this road with an improved second edition and currently working for the third edition and a first edition of Barcelona Dance In Summer.   Derived also, projects submitted to the European Union, which have been approved and have received a grant to design and facilitate intensive training for a week to educators from 11 different countries working with teenagers in a context of nature. Based on the criteria of inclusion and education through the movement and the debate that arises. Project carried out in Catalonia and soon in Txec Republic and Slovakia.

Founding partners in 2016: Alba Raventós, Uma Maraval.




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